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Tuesday, March 29, 2011

Inflatatopia Happening

Please download and read the Inflatatopia Happening handout (project parameters).
Read carefully.

Inflatatopia Happening teams will be announced tomorrow in class.

Sunday, March 27, 2011

stuffed animal to dissect
performance brainstorming lists
color supplies

Initiation into inflatables
bring two (or more) stuffed animals--one to share with a table-mate! I didn't get by store to get you one = bring your own plus extra to share if you have some.

what else for 3D:
  1. scissors/exacto (something to rip seams with)
  2. iron
  3. one box of aluminum foil per table
  4. office clips
Art Performances
To be presented Monday, April 4 (am and pm)
Assignment: create a one-minute live performance in our 10x10 "blue line theater," using one prop, one word and yourself. You will perform and crit.

Phase 1: Ideation/Brainstorming (post to blog and bring printout Monday to class):
  1. List of fifty words that you think might be part of a good one-minute performance, record them in your morgue and publish to your blog.
  2. For each word, list ten possible props. List them as well.
  3. Choose five words. For each word describe 5 possible performance options--that is a total of 25 ideas. 
  4. Consider
    What would be compelling for the audience to watch?
    What would you like to perform?
    What is technically possible?
    Feel free to make up new props or words
    as ideas occur to you until you get two or three good prospects.
    Write a storyboard/script of what will happen in your piece,
    what the audience will see.
    What will you do with your face? your posture? your arms?
    your hands? your legs? your feet? your butt? your eyes? etc?
    How will you enter the space, walk, schooch, crawl, gallop, roll, hop, slither?
    How will you project your voice? will it vary?
    What will you wear? on your head, in your nose, on your lips, on your torso, on your legs, on your feet, on your butt?
Part 2: The pitch:
Pitch your ideas at someone else in class on Monday while dissecting your stuffed animal; try to present a complete, descriptive summary of your one minute performance idea. Imagine they were a Hollywood movie executive, and you're trying to sell them your idea for their next big movie. Get their feedback and use it to sharpen your ideas.
Part 3: In class performance Monday, April 4.

2D Project 3 -- Color
See handout for details and schedule.

Your MAPPING project AND
your images of your METAPHOR project AND
your performance BRAINSTORMING LISTS
your potential IMAGES for COLOR project
should be posted to your blog before tomorrow.

Thursday, March 24, 2011

Post final images of your Metaphor project
before Monday.

People's [WASHers'] Choice Award
METAPHOR: Life or something like it

Uncomfortable Video People's [WASHers'] Choice Awards

The YUCK award

The EEEK award

The AWWW award

The MAKE IT STOP award

Tuesday, March 22, 2011

Post your Story LINE crit and 4 images

Also post imageS of your map titled MAP grade me. These need to be up before the end of the week.

Metaphor: Life or something like it
should be installed before 9:15 tomorrow.

1. Morning Crit.
2. Afternoon intro to Color and five students will present their mapping projects (more later)

Am looking forward to seeing your metaphor projects.

Sunday, March 20, 2011

install mark making (story LINE)
AND mapping project
BEFORE 9:15 am tomorrow morning

Be sensitive to your fellow WASHer's installations; identify your work (with small, white subtle name tag -- presentation matters!). Bring materials and tools to install your pieces and have a "just in case" back up system. You may install tonight, but do not move anyone else's reserved spots or work.

I can't wait to see the WASH House full of art when I arrive tomorrow.

Wednesday, March 16, 2011

don't forget to give each of your table team feedback

on three metaphor proposals. be sure to consider if they are actually metaphors.

Thursday, March 10, 2011

Download and bring handout
Field Trip to MFAH & CAMH
Friday, March 11

Download and bring handout

Houston Field Trip
Friday, March 11

Museum of Fine Arts Houston
promptly @ 10 am (conclude ~3pm)
free when attending with our class
1001 Bissonnet, Houston, TX (map)

Park across street in Methodist church parking lot (free)
Carpool with students returning to Huntsville.
Spring Break begins March 12 

Lunch at Cafe Express in MFAH(~$15)
(may brown bag it)

We will also be visiting:
Cullen Sculpture Garden
Contemporary Art Museum Houston CAMH
Assignment sheet to be posted soon.

Tuesday, March 8, 2011

Fall course schedule has been posted

Fall course schedule to review. 
Be sure to request an appointment to be advised before it is time to register.

Life or something like it
[metaphor project]

WASH 3D Project 4

Life, or something like it…

Many of us are familiar with the way writers and musicians use figurative language or metaphor to communicate feelings and ideas. Visual artists also rely on metaphor to express ideas and connote meaning. Rather than presenting the viewer with a literal representation or illustration of an idea, metaphorical thinking can expand an elusive idea by creating conceptual depth.

Develop three different visual metaphors for a personal memory/experience. Look for material from your bio-map listings for which you can successfully craft a visual metaphor. You may not use overly literal representations of the things you remember, or symbols. Though powerful, these methods of communicating are not the focus of this project. Experiment with forms, materials, and images that can be used to communicate these ideas from your personal memory. Materials and technique are up to your choices.

Part 1: Brainstorming ideas/ making proposals sketches:
On Wednesday, March 9, BRING LAPTOP. You will be developing three metaphor project ideas and will need access to online research. Each idea/proposal should stand alone and on its own merit. Someone else should be able to construct your project proposal from this detailed proposal drawing and explanatory text. Use text, collage etc. whatever is needed, to get your ideas across in your proposals. Post each proposal (titled metaphor proposal #1, #2, #3) on your blog by end of day Friday, March 11.

Part 2: Critical review
Saturday and Sunday, March 12-13, review each of your table members 3 proposals. Read them carefully. Post feedback via comments for each proposal for every table member. Your comments should address: Do you get it? What is clear? What is not clear? Do you think it will work? Does the visual metaphor make sense? Is it a dead metaphor (cliché)? What about the material choices? Make suggestions to improve each proposal?

As a reviewer, it is your job to help another student clarify their ideas by asking them questions (in your post comments), and to help them find workable ways of realizing their project through suggestions. It is your job to help your table-mates flesh out a definite direction and a workable plan of action that seems likely to produce a fantastic piece of art.

Your blog proposals and feedback will function as a part of your process grade.
Part 3: Re-work your proposal
Based on reviews from your table-mates, rework each (3) proposal and post as updated metaphor proposal #1, #2, #3 before Wednesday, March 16. Indicate which of these three proposals you will be executing.
Part 4: Realization
Realize your piece using appropriate materials and techniques. Remember to be alert to the possibilities of the materials as you work with them. Every problem might turn out to be an opportunity in disguise! Your final project DOES NOT have to be, and probably won't be, exactly what you originally intended. That's fine, as long as it's better! Post pictures of materials and process of creation over the break.

Your final metaphor project will be due first thing on Wednesday morning, March 23. Monday, March 21 bring project and all necessary supplies to class. You should be about 70% done constructing/assembling your project.

Evaluation criteria:
  1. Metaphor: Successful metaphoric use of a material, form, or image. Does the piece make a legible metaphor? Do viewers of your piece "get it" immediately and clearly, or are they left guessing what your point is? The piece may have several possible interpretations, but each should be clear: there is a difference between complexity and confusion.
  2. Craft and design integrity: do all the elements of the piece work together, or are there distracting elements?
  3. Ambition: sheer bigness, outrageous, unexpected materials, and incredible effort.
  4. Presentation: is the project is presented to maximize its effectiveness, as far as possible? Is the way the piece is presented thoughtful and appropriate?
  5. Parameters: does the piece follow the project parameters? No symbols or literal representations?

Sunday, March 6, 2011

uncomfortable links

  1. Alexandra 
  2. Allison            
  3. Brandon 
  4. Brian 
  5. Brittnie 
  6. Carlos            
  7. Casey             
  8. Chinedu   
  9. Danielle            
  10. Dante  
  11. David 
  12. Emily H           
  13. Emily T        
  14. Hannah            
  15. Jacquelyn 
  16. Jada   
  17. Janna   
  18. Jeremy  
  19. JP
  20. Joshua            
  21. Katy     
  22. Keenan    
  23. Kevin 
  24. Kimberly            
  25. Krystal            
  26. Lauren            
  27. Lee Ann
  28. Malicia            
  29. Maggie            
  30. Martin 
  31. Megan            
  32. Mirella 
  33. Naomi            
  34. Nic            
  35. Ollie           
  36. Ryan    
  37. Sarah  
  38. Selina
  39. Shelbey 
  40. Donovan            
  41. Tayler 
  42. Traveon 
  43. Wendy   
  44. Zackary

now that is uncomfortable Emily H.!


OMGosh! well done! yuk, gross me out, yes I am now uncomfortable!

Friday, March 4, 2011

Uncomfortable video project parameters

3D Project 3.2 Uncomfortable Video [4D]
  1. Theme: Uncomfortable
  2. Sixty second [or less] video
-editing via computer
-exceed 60 seconds
-cuts (turn camera off; make necessary changes; restart camera. no digital editing)
-language but it should only play a support role (keep it to a minimum)
-shoot, review, refine, reshoot; again and again
-dependent on content set youtube settings to UNLISTED; after we have reviewed piece you may choose to set it to private.
  1. Youtube upload and link emailed to kk no later than Sunday, March 6, 4 pm
  2. Create link on blog to video (or if private); create post Uncomfortable Video that indicates private content sent to KK via email
  3. Burn to CD or DVD
  4. Turn in CD/DVD at 9:30 am Monday morning to TAs
  5. CRIT MONDAY. Don't miss.
Grading criteria
  1. Degree to which audience is made uncomfortable
  2. Visual content (background, framing of shot, lighting, body language)
  3. Audio content (sound quality, ambient noise, voice usage)
  4. Narrative (storyline, script, theme)
  5. Work within parameters (if parameters bypassed; does the work significantly justify the bypass)

Tuesday, March 1, 2011

What do you think?

Well? Perhaps you don't feel so alone in your thinking now? Well?

Supplies to bring for 2D Wednesday

  1. Pencil, smudgy charcoal, ink
  2. Eraser(s)
  3. Rag
  4. White paint of any kind you have
  5. Perhaps white out tools
  6. Perhaps 1 dang art tool like a cheap brush
  7. A variety of surfaces to work on (paper, cardboard, newspaper, etc)
    Also consider any surface that might relate to your story. One can work on the side (inside or outside) of a suitcase, a trash can, a tire, a door, a window, a boat, fence planks, etc. Any surface which can have white paint applied to it to function as the ground and then can have ink, pencil, or charcoal applied to it. You may have to harvest surfaces to bring Monday if they are not accessible today.

        Mark making by Katy

    Reread your story and see if their is a natural surface that would make sense from your story that might function as the surface to draw on. Paper may be best choice. I simply want you to think outside the box and see what comes to mind.

  8. A printed copy of your original story and revision or rewrite. (Bring from now on)


2D :: This studio course introduces the studio arts, contemporary art history, theory and technology to the incoming student. It is designed to immerse students in an intense program of researching, interpreting and creating art in the twenty-first century. ART 130 emphasizes the 2-Dimensional Arts but pushes into the 3rd and 4th as well. Its companion courses, ART 131 and ART 132W, support this studio course with lectures, readings, visiting artists and demonstrations.

3D :: This studio course introduces the studio arts, contemporary art history, theory and technology to the incoming student. It is designed to immerse students in an intense program of researching, interpreting and creating art in the twenty-first century. ART 131 emphasizes the 3-Dimensional Arts as well as pushing into the 4th Dimension.

Lecture :: This course introduces the concepts, theories and information for development in ART 130 and ART131, the studio components linked with this visual arts foundation course. It is an arena for students to experience lectures, demonstrations, seminar activities and visiting speakers, as well as the more traditional aspects of the discipline. It is geared towards contemporary visual concerns and uses experimental techniques to expose students to an array of styles and methodologies.

Think bootcamp for artists!